
Clear Way Zen is a Buddhist community dedicated to the learning and practicing of the Buddha’s teachings. The Sangha is supported by members who, out of inspiration of the meditative practice of Zen, bring the twenty-five-hundred-year-old awakening teachings of the Buddha to life through themselves and the community. Our community is primarily based in Regina, Saskatchewan (Canada).

Our Sangha continues to host sittings in a hybrid format via Zoom and at the Knox-Metropolitan United Church (Regina, SK, Canada) every Saturday Morning at 10:30AM CST. Here is the Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/987103758?pwd=ZUhXTnNySnFzeGplM3BFc21xb2xGdz09

Please join the Zoom meeting a few minutes before the start time to check your audio and video connection and mingle with other members. We will start the sitting at exactly 10:30 AM Central Standard Time (Regina). As usual, we will begin with a 30 minute silent meditation followed by a Dharma talk. Please mute your mic once the bowing/sit begins and leave it muted until the conclusion of the Dharma talk.

  • Meditation Spaces

    Meditation Spaces

    One of the challenges of practicing Zen is the having a good daily meditation routine. For myself there are two things that can really help the practice. First, dedicate a specific time to meditate everyday and stick with it. First … Continue reading →

  • Retreat Intensive 2024

    Retreat Intensive 2024

    At the end of May the sangha had a yearly retreat intensive with our teacher Lotus Vu. This was my very first retreat and found the experience, with 6 hours of the day in meditation and all most a week … Continue reading →

  • Yogacara as the Third Turning of the Dharma Wheel

    (Lotus’ speaking notes of Dharma Talk on May 18, 2024) Early Buddhism and Theravada – 1st Turning Mahāyāna’s Mādhyamika – 2nd Turning Yogacara – 3rd Turning Problem with other minds How is the world known? = Through 8 Consciousnesses (8 … Continue reading →