Hello World!

Hello world from Clear Way Zen’s new website!

Okay I’m sure you are wondering who we are. The covid pandemic changed a lot of our lives and our sangha has been no exception. Currently, for the most part, we are still recognized as the Regina Zen Sangha centered in Regina, Saskatchewan. But now our members are spread across Canada from West to East coast with our meetings being a combination of in person and online.

Clear Way Zen is a rebranding of our sangha that better reflects how we’ve changed over the past few years and this will be our new home. Although it’s very plain at the moment, we will be working hard to bring our new website to life.

Our sangha is non-profit organization and completely relies on our member’s and people’s generosity. Because of this generosity we are now able to host our website ourselves and other IT services in the future. Instead of relying on free services we hope to a have more dynamic and interactive site for those interested in the practice.


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